
Malte Schäfer

BU Wuppertal
mschaefer (at) uni-wuppertal.de

About Me

I am a researcher at Bergische Universität Wuppertal, department of product safety and quality engineering (PSQ).

Research Interests



  1. Scope 2 emissions
    Malte Schäfer, Felipe Cerdas, Christoph Herrmann
    RSC/Energy & Environmental Science, 2024.
  2. Abs. sustainability
    Hauke Schlesier, Malte Schäfer, Harald Desing
    Elsevier/Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024.
  3. Scope 2 emissions
    Matthew Brander, Jesse Backstrom, Michael Gillenwater, Lissy Langer, Olivier Corradi, Malte Schäfer, Jon Sigvert, Ciril Wakounig & Anders Bjørn
    T&F/Carbon Management, 2024.
  4. Emerging Materials
    Malte Schäfer, Martina Gottschling, Felipe Cerdas, Christoph Herrmann
    Springer/Technologies for economic and functional lightweight design, 2021.
  5. Ecodesign
    Malte Schäfer, Manuel Löwer
    MDPI/Sustainability, 2020.
  6. Emerging Materials
    Malte Schäfer, Felipe Cerdas, Christoph Herrmann
    Springer/Progress in Life Cycle Assessment 2019, 2020.


  1. Sustainable Prod. Dvl.
    [German] Nachhaltigkeit in der Produktentwicklung
    Guest lecture in quality management master class at BU Wuppertal
    Wuppertal, 2018.
  2. Ecodesign/LCA
    [German] Ecodesign & Lifecycle Assessment
    Guest lecture in engineering design master class at RWTH Aachen University
    Aachen, 2017.

Talks & Presentations

  1. Scope 2 emissions
    Methodological aspects of calculating a national grid emission factor
    Presentation at the 85th LCA Discussion Forum
    Zurich (CH), 2023.
  2. Scope 2 emissions
    Quantifying additionality for renewable energy supply options
    Poster presentation at the 31st GEE Student Chapter
    Dresden (DE), 2023.
  3. Scope 2 emissions
    Quantifying additionality of renewable energy supply options – decision making support for electricity consumers
    Presentation at a workshop on scope 2 emissions at DTU
    Lyngby/Copenhagen (DK), 2023.
  4. Scope 2 emissions
    Improving consumer scope 2 emission accounting practices and decision making
    Poster presentation at the 2023 Openmod Workshop
    Laxenburg/Vienna (AT), 2023.
  5. Emission Accounting
    Life Cycle Oriented Decision Support for Companies to Reduce Electricity-related Greenhouse Emissions
    Presentation at SESAAU 2022
    Aalborg (DK), 2022.
  6. Emission Targets
    The Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA) by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
    Lab internal presentation
    Braunschweig, 2021.
  7. Emission accounting
    Assessing the environmental impact of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES)
    Project presentation (flexess)
    Braunschweig, 2020.
  8. LCA Survey
    [German] Runder Tisch Life Cycle Assessment im Leichtbau - Bericht aus der AG Fertigung
    LCA expert survey evaluation, report to round table (FOREL)
    Online, 2020.

Science Communication

  1. Renewable Energy
    [German] 50 Shades of Green - Wie grün ist Strom?
    Public lecture organized by the TU for Future initiative
    Braunschweig, 2022.
  2. Renewable Energy
    [German] Ökostrom
    Meet the scientist - exhibition at phaeno
    Wolfsburg, 2022.
  3. Renewable Energy
    [German] Ein Kuchen aus Ökostrom
    Science slam at Haus der Wissenschaft
    Braunschweig, 2021.


  1. Green Hydrogen
    European Hydrogen Chromatography
    Online, 2023.
  2. Demand Side Mgmt.
    A taxonomy for Demand Side Management
    Based on the publication by (Meyabadi & Deihimi), 2017
    Online, 2020.


  1. Renewable Energy
    [German] “Ökostrom”bezug durch das Land Niedersachsen - Problem und Lösung
    Lobbying for greener electricity procurement at universities in Lower-Saxony
    Braunschweig, 2022.
  2. Open Data
    Open letter to the International Energy Agency and its member countries: Please remove paywalls from global energy data and add appropriate open licenses
    Open letter (Background, Press Coverage)
    Online, 2021.


Malte Schäfer
Allerstraße 4
38106 Braunschweig

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